Celeb Twitter Round-Up: Tweeps React to “Unfazed” Pearl Thusi’s Video

Actress Pearl Thusi has a very complicated relationship with the public. Most folks love her, while others genuinely despise her. Sometimes, it swings into the extremes on both sides of the spectrum, with either diehard fans worshipping the ground she walks on, or other folks going out of their way to bash her no matter what she does.
On Tuesday, 26 November, the “Queen Sono” star hopped onto Instagram, where she posted a nearly five-minute video about the peeps who’ve taken their hate for her to extreme levels:
“I’m struggling to keep up in this hectic Information Age, with all the content I need to keep up with, the things I need to do,” she is heard saying in the video, presumably from inside a car. “I’m looking at the comments. People are accusing me of doing drugs. People are saying I’m high, people are saying I’m old, people are saying I’m ugly, like … people are finding really mean things to say.
“I don’t know if it’s bots or real people … but that’s not the point. And you know, in the past, this s*** would have upset me. I would’ve reacted, I would’ve responded to it. But luckily, God has offered me something that I have finally accepted, which is what? Which is growth.”
Reflecting over a recent incident in which a friend of hers insulted her and how she took it to heart at first, Thusi continues: “I read these comments, and the initial reaction is, like, I want to react. You know, I want to respond in the same way that these messages have been sent to me.
“Why do you say these terrible things about me? I’m someone’s mother. I’m human. I have feelings, I’m a person. I’m also God’s child … For you out there, I have to remind myself that these things only have the power I give them to affect me.”
Fair enough!
Over on Twitter/X, most fans were in Thusi’s corner, telling her to stay unfazed and mize the drama:
However, some tweeps were too put off by the video’s five-minute length to hear everything she had to say, while others questioned why the “Quantico” actress took the time to record such a long video if she claimed to be unfazed by what folks had to say about her:
The rest just stooped to lobbing insults at her, proving Thusi’s point in the process:
It’s kinda a double-edged sword. On one hand, responding to haters and defending yourself make you look reactive and can amplify the negativity.
On the other hand, keeping silent or continuing to live your life can sometimes come off as ignoring criticism – valid or otherwise – or disengaging from your audience, which means incurring even more vitriol from social media (or making them think they “got the W”).
All in all, it just proves that being online is just tiring, and some folks need to have their Internet privileges revoked!
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